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You Can Have A Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign With This Advice

Every where you go, you can see someone using their cell phone. Many times they are not using it to talk, but to search the Internet, download an application or use a social networking site. Why not use that knowledge to grow your business? Here are some mobile marketing tips that are sure to get you going.

Understand the regulations for mobile marketing. Mobile marketing campaigns are heavily regulated, just like anything that has to do with mobile phones. Look up your local and federal guidelines, and make sure you stay well within them. If you do not, you can face penalties that range anywhere from fines to jail time.

More and more people are doing the majority of their web browsing directly from their mobile device as opposed to a computer. This is essential to know because if you do not direct advertising efforts toward mobile marketing, then you are completely missing out on a particularly large audience.

When building a mobile marketing campaign, you need to make sure that you know your market first and foremost. If you cannot identify and correctly cater to your intended market, your campaign is going to ultimately fall flat and nothing will be able to save it. Identify your market and know it well.

Use SMS for your mobile marketing if you want a platform with a low cost, a very high open rate, and a platform that’s very flexible. If you’re pushing emails in your mobile marketing campaign, SMS is definitely the way to go, especially if you’re interacting with your customers frequently.

Make sure that your messages are targeted to their purpose in mobile marketing. You won’t have any room for meaningless words here. If the customer cannot understand your message in a few words, then it isn’t even worth contacting them in the first place. You need to be very clear here as to your purpose.

Set aside at least one day a month that’s wholly devoted to viewing your stats and the effectiveness of your campaign if you want to adjust properly as you go along. You would probably be better off doing this every two weeks, but once a month is probably more realistic for busy marketers.

When you are marketing on the mobile network, you must keep your messages very short and to the point. People are using their phones because they do not have the time to sit in front of the computer and relax. So many people are in a rush and on the go, and you want to show your customers that you understand that and are not going to be a burden to them.

Make it easier for one recipient of your mobile marketing ad to send it and they probably will! Prior to polishing your promotions, make absolute certain that they are simple to forward to others and even include some incentive to the original recipient for doing so and you will have an instant ad booster!

Build web-based landing pages that are specialized for mobile devices. These mobile landing pages streamline design and content to offer a cleaner, more engaging mobile experience for the reader. There are many website plugins available that add mobile landing pages to your site. Check your content management system to see what plugins are on the market or hire a designer to develop one for you.

A/B testing is a great tool you can use for mobile landing pages. Mobile pages need to be tested for usability, just as much as any other web page. Make two distinct versions labeled A and B of your landing page, then test extensively to see which of the two lands you the most sales. You can use this information to select the best landing page.

Include audio and video in your mobile marketing strategy. Mobile marketing is more than text messages and e-mails. Today, with faster mobile download speeds, audio and video are key components to any successful strategy. Consider offering audio or video podcasts, short audio interviews or live, on-the-scene video to your media mix.

Approach your text-based mobile advertising as you would billboard advertising, short and simple. Remember, you are reaching people that are not only using mobile devices, but are more than likely mobile themselves! They are on the move and their focus for any marketing message is fleeting at best. Think of it like you have two seconds to persuade your reader, much like trying to reach a driver passing by a billboard at sixty miles per hour. Get the point across quickly and avoid long copy.

Don’t forget to add tracking capabilities into your mobile marketing! Just because the screen is smaller, doesn’t mean it is less important. Add tracking extensions to the hyperlinks you are using in mobile marketing campaigns and look into various mobile services that offer robust tracking capabilities for a plethora of mobile tactics.

Mobile friendly maps are a wonderful way to help ensure you are doing what you can to attract the local customers. When a person searches for a business on his or her phone, the map allows them to find it quickly.

Long-winded ads will be closed before the message has gotten across. Stick to short, punchy ad messages that will instill urgency in your customers. Many users will look for a way to close the ad unless you grab them quickly. Build that urgency and give a call to action that creates buyers.

You realize how many people are using cell phones, blackberries, or any type of mobile device and how much you can use that to help your business grow. Apply all the advice that you have learned in this article to really make your business launch quickly to the next level. Use the mobile market to save your business.

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